Everyone wants joy, no one wants agony, but without a little rain, how can we sprinkle our life with happiness again? Imagine everything in life the best. No worries, no obstacles and everything going very smooth. Quite boring right? Life is all about learn, train and heal. Be a RAINBOW in your own life. It’s a perfect example of how life has to be lived. Without any obstacle, one can’t learn anything. Same way, how can we have a rainbow without a little rain? When the dark clouds of confusion, temper and worry begin to move upon you, be ready to face it with strength,with a belief that this storm will pass by and you’ll will shine bright like a rainbow. Be passionate like colour red, creative like colour orange, positive like colour yellow, generous like colour green, trustworthy like colour blue, sincere like colour indigo and calm like colour violet and you’ll see easily you will face all the obstacles and have a happy life with lot of knowledge and appreciation. Colours can be a mean of expression but it all started with as a factor of survival. Flowers use colours that humans can’t perceive to attract certain insects for pollination and some insects even use colours to warn a potential predator of defensive toxins. So if colours can play such an important role in the life of such small organisms, imagine how it affects us humans.
Have you ever heard that most of the financial industry companies use the colour blue in their logos because blue is associated with financial stability or have you noticed most of the cooperate professionals wearing colour black as it signifies confidence and ambition? The internet if flooded with such facts and speculations about colour psychology. The idea that certain colour can bring about change in our mood or influence our behavior and decision is to a great extent a truth but most of the time we ignore or are unaware of it in our daily life.
Have you ever wondered why almost all candies are made up of bright sprinkled colours and bring an immediate smile on the face of the little kids? Researchers have investigated and found that the season in which people are the most happy and full of energy is spring because at this time blue, green and all the bright colours start appearing in the flowers. Whether we believe or not, colours have an emotional effect on us. If we contemplate how much time and energy we devote in choosing the right colour shade of clothes we buy or the paint we use in our homes, most of us are unaware of the importance of each colour but somewhere we know that it plays a very essential role in our life in some way or the other.
Colours influence our brain which in turns affects our feelings and senses. Many researchers have proved that colour and light can change our mood, sleep, heart rate, and even our happiness. A great example can be seen in our daily routine; green and blue light i.e. sky and nature revives us and makes us feel happy and energetic. That’s why its advised to open the blinds as soon as we wake up to absorb the fresh natural light and start off the day feeling happy.
In 2015 a study found that the colour blue reduces stress, slows down heart rate and lowers our blood pressure. Many countries have executed this study to their benefit. The well-known holiday destination of Santorini is famous for its blue rooftops, spectacular sea views and cobalt shades within the architecture. This is why Santorini is perfect for anyone needing calm and a distress. Colour therapist Alison says: cobalt is a vibrant blue which creates deep feelings of calm and allows the body to distress and soothe. Cobalt also supports the ability to communicate on a one-to-one basis with clarity and truth. It is important to know about colours as it indirectly affects our emotions which further influence our decisions. The way we surround ourselves determines what action we take, what we buy, what we throw and much more.