We carry so much garbage in our lives that we forget to empty it simply because we have started liking it,simply because we like that garbage there.You can clear that garbage from your life in 4 easy steps
1. Face that garbage
2. Pick it up
3. Throw it away
4. Replace it with something beautiful
The garbage is gone but there’s an empty space left,replace it with something more valuable.Throw away the garbage from your life by throwing away people judgements,throwing away the past relationships,throwing away the ego that you carry that never let you build anything meaningful. Once you pick up the garbage and throw it away,don’t leave that space empty. Replace it with people who value you,replace it with people who are selfless,replace it with meaningful relationships,replace it with people who want to see you grow,who want to see you happy. The garbage we carry weighs us down,it never lifts us up. It never help us grow. It can never make us happy. Never hold on to the garbage. Its called garbage because you don’t want the things you threw away anymore. You threw them away for a reason. Some relationships are like that garbage,the sooner you pick them up and throw them away the sooner you can replace it with beautiful relationships. Throw away anything and everything that no longer makes you happy. Empty that garbage from your life.
187 days before another year ends. Make some beautiful relationships,relationships that makes your soul happy,be with people who make you smile. Care a little more,whine a little less. Throw away the garbage you have always carried . Love a little more. Today is the day. Live,do not survive. Be kind,don’t pull others down. Life is short yet beautiful. Make every day count.
I no longer carry the garbage in my life which i thought i needed once. My spaces ain’t empty anymore. I have let some beautiful people take those empty spaces!
Love and blessings